The Just and Perfect Národ Lodge n.1 in the Orient of Prague under the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
The Just and Perfect Národ Lodge n.1 in the Orient of Prague under the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic

Flower laying and respect paying in Divoká Šárka

Položení květin k pamětní desce Divoká Šárka. Pokládá předseda spolku Vladimír W.

Every year, members of the Národ Lodge remember the anniversary of their foundation by laying the flowers to the memorial plaque in Divoká Šárka. This year, despite bad weather, 18 Lodge members with their families gathered together on April 14, 2019 to walk around Divoká Šárka and to pay respect to their founders. Vladimír W., the chairman of the Národ association laid down the flowers to the plaque.

The memorial plaque is located in a picturesque, secluded place under the rock with a local name “Žabák”, near a former inn called Čertův mlýn. Its inscription commemorates brave men, who gathered here as a part of “Maffia”, the domestic Czechoslovak resistance group during the WWI. Later, they became founders of the sovereign Czechoslovak state – Karel Kramář, Alois Rašín a František Sís. The original plaque was unveiled on May 17, 1931. However, it must have been removed during the WWII. Thanks to the Prague 6 Municipal District, the plaque was restored at the same place and unveiled again in December 2001. It has become a tradition for Brethren from the Národ Lodge to come here every year and remember their foundation anniversary, the founding members and their faith in spiritual values of our sovereign country.